The Traveller Education Network was set up by Northside Partnership working together with education providers and the local Traveller Community.
It supports members of the Traveller Community to complete their Junior and Leaving Certificates and to consider third level education.
It improves understanding by allowing members of the Traveller Community to communicate with education providers outside of a school setting.
The Network is made up of the following representatives
- Traveller Youth Worker (Sphere 17)
- Traveller Education Worker (TravAct)
- Primary Schools
- Post Primary Schools
- Adult Education Providers
- Local Youth Services
- Northside Partnership
- Dublin City University
- Dublin Institute of Technology
- Discovery Centre, Darndale
The Network aims to:
- Support Travellers to influence change where possible
- Improve communication between Traveller families and education providers
- Promote understanding of Traveller Culture and Traveller living history
- Provide opportunities for network members to hear about the challenges facing education providers and Traveller families who are supporting young Travellers to finish their Junior and Leaving Certificates
There are currently three main strands to the network’s work:
- continue to ensure the successful transfer from primary to second level
- keeping students in education after the age of 16
- promoting further education – college, trades or entrepreneurship
The Traveller Education Network is funded under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.