The STAR project, supported through the National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategy, aims to help the children of Traveller and Roma families in North Dublin get the most out of school
Background to the project
Ireland has developed a new national Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS) 2017 – 2021. The strategy takes a whole of Government approach to improving the lives of Travellers and Roma in Ireland. There are 10 overarching themes in the strategy: Cultural Identity, Education, Employment and Traveller Economy, Children and Youth, Health, Gender Equality, Anti-discrimination and Equality, Public Services , Accommodation and Traveller and Roma communities.
Four education pilots named STAR (Supporting Traveller and Roma) were established across Ireland in Cork, Tuam, Wexford and North Dublin.
The North Dublin STAR Project is hosted by the Northside Partnership and works with 19 schools across Finglas, Coolock and Ballymun.
We can help your child:
- Go to school every day
- Reach their full potential when in class and in school activities
- Make school a happy place where children want to stay
The STAR project has a number of offers.
We can:
• Support school projects that promote cultural awareness and inclusion.
• Work with schools and parents to promote parental engagement.
• Work in partnership with Traveller/Roma organisations to promote improved
outcomes for Traveller/Roma children.
• Provide Professional Development Training (for example Croke Park hours).
• Provide the Misli and Te Des Duma* programme for Traveller/Roma students.
(Based on Check and Connect)
• Run a 4 week Mentoring programme.
• Link in with existing schools supports such as JCSP library supports, HSCLs
and SCP.
• The team can link in with your school with any other ideas you have.
* Misli is a Traveller word for – go/move *Te Des Duma is Romani for – to talk
- Talk to the teacher/school principal
- If you or the school feel our team can support your child, we are here to talk
The STAR team take referrals from:
• Pilot Schools
• Community Organisations
• Statutory Organisations
• Parents
It’s easy- just complete the ‘STAR Request for Involvement form’ and return to
caroline.mhiceoin@tusla.ie. If you don’t have the form, contact any member
of the team and we can get one to you.
Some supports we offer:
- Working directly with you and your child
- Helping schools to be inclusive
- Getting young people, families and schools working well together
- What will we do first? With your permission, we will talk to you, your child, the school and anyone else you feel would be positive.
- How am I involved? You will be involved at every stage that we are working with your family. At the beginning, we will meet with you in your home or wherever suits you best. We will use this time to hear about your child’s strengths and experience in school. We will ask you to sign consent forms for us to work with your child.
- What happens next? We are interested in what is working well for your child in school and to see how we can make their school experience better. We will discuss how we think we can help with this.
- Did it work? We will continue to talk to you, your child and the school to see how things are and if there is anything more that needs to happen.
John McDonnell, Education Worker
Call: 087 099 0984
E-mail: john.mcdonnell@nspartnership.ie
Diana Joyce, Education Worker
Call: 087 436 6183
E-mail: diana.joyce@nspartnership.ie