Speedpak Group is an award-winning, Dublin-based social enterprise. Originally founded by the Northside Partnership in collaboration with the local business community, its purpose was to address the issue of high unemployment in one of Dublin’s most disadvantaged areas.
The Company now operates two commercial businesses www.speedpak.ie and www.shamrockrosettes.com to support long term unemployed people get back to work by providing real work experience, accredited industry training, mentoring and tailored supports. It also has a Learning Centre facility onsite.
The combination of trading and training, transforms lives. Trainees secure greater financial independence through employment and job resilience through education and training. With our industry network we can match previously unemployed talent with available jobs. The Company has a strong track record in delivering successful outcomes for training staff through progression to employment or further training. To date the Company has employed and trained over 1100 people on Dublin’s Northside, making a significant social impact to individuals and families in these communities.
Collaboration with the State, Business, Philanthropy and local Community are central to the Company’s success. The Company operates labour market and wage subsidy programmes on behalf of the state and develops innovative solutions to address long term unemployment through a variety of public and private grant funds.
Most recently Speedpak Group, with philanthropic support, has partnered with industry and its local college, Coláiste Dhulaigh College of Further Education to deliver a new National Traineeship in Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Customer Service Logistics.
Further information on Speedpak Group and on our workplace training programmes, including the traineeship, can be found at www.speedpakgroup.com